Zacatecas Mining Cluster

Zacatecas, Zac.- Yesterday, October 26, Sergio Flores Gómez, general director of the Zacatecas Mining Cluster (Clusmin), welcomed the attendees and pointed out the importance of being informed about the legal and labor issues that concern mining companies and contractors.

In said conference, representatives of the Legal Office Cereceres Estudio Legal, S. C., Rafael Cereceres and Jorge Alberto Espinoza, explained the advantages and procedures to follow in the face of the change in the administration of Labor Justice.

The specialists pointed out that with the new Labor Reform, the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards previously existed (or exist), "but for the new procedures to resolve labor disputes, labor courts that depend on the judiciary have now been created," said Rafael Cereceres.

“The procedures are different, they are more abbreviated and there is an important part of conciliation in order to try to prevent labor lawsuits from increasing in the courts, make it more expeditious and try to deliver justice as soon as possible to avoid delays in the matter of labor litigation,” said Cereceres.

At the event, aimed at personnel from the Human Resources areas of mining companies and contractors, more than 50 people from 35 companies presented themselves. "It is a very important, high-risk industry, with good practices on prevention and safety, but it is necessary to create a culture of conciliation."


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